PERSONAL // The Exchange

Continuing the theme of Snow - I wanted to post some photos from today because we finally had an amazing amount of snow come to Texas. (I guess it followed me home keke) My friend and fellow creative Laura Berry wanted to capture some great portraits of each other. It was fun to feed off her energy and have an exchange of photographer and model between us. Below are all photos that she took of me and photos that I took of her. I like how we see each other and how we view images differently. Looking over it all, we noticed our similarities, our insecurities (we often said "oh, i don't like my face here." or "my body looks fat in this shot."), and we both OOed and Ahed at the photos we loved. It was great to have the same mutual feelings of portrait photography. She's my bestie at work - I can't wait to work with her again. 

Laura said she loved how my nose was red from the cold.

Laura said she loved how my nose was red from the cold.